Friday, July 11, 2014

Website Usability - Leisure World Water Park Website

Now most people visit more than one website every day for their wants. But we don’t think how user friendly those website. In My early blogs, I wrote about what is website usability. Website designing very simply, that mean user or visitor can easily find what they looking. Website usability very importance when designing a website as many visitors came and taken time for get their information. Website promote its products, provide information, sell its products, take orders, and give answer to customers’ questions.

Website designers think how to developed and maintain usability website. When website is designing, web designer understand what users wants, what target users refer website. It’s simply mean be user friendly and website must be useful, valuable, accessible, and finding. So web designer use latest technology for website designing.  
Today I talk about Leisure World Water Park  website usability. Under web usability I checked under criteria like accessibility, identity, navigation and content.


1. Site load-time is reasonable - It is loaded quickly and can access within few seconds.  
2. Adequate text-to-background – can’t identified text because white and yellow font in blue back ground and not clear its
3. Font size/spacing is easy to read – font size well but color are not clear
4. Flash & add-ons are used sparingly – yes, flash add
5. Images have appropriate ALT tags – yes images have appropriate ALT tags
6. Site has custom not-found/404 page - No


7. Company logo is prominently placed – Yes, The logo is containing with their theme color yellow and able to catch the eye of readers
8. Tagline make company’s purpose clear – tagline clearly see with logo
9. Home-page is digestible in seconds – yes, but can’t back came to home page easy because not home page bar. It have only back button.
10. Clear path to company information – yes provide better information about it
11. Clear path to contact information – contact information provide better


12. Main navigation is easily identifiable – yes main navigation is identify easy and it can developed better
13. Navigation labels are clear & concise – not better, it can develop better
14. Number of buttons/links is reasonable – not reasonable, only linked with Facebook
15. Company logo is linked to home-page – it’s not link
16. Links are consistent & easy to identify – linked with Facebook and it is consistent & easy to identify
17. Site search is easy to access - There is not search button in this site.        


18. Major headings are clear & descriptive - Major headings are clear
19. Critical content is above the “fold” – no Content is poor
20. Styles & colour are consistent – they use their blue theme colour
21. Emphasis (bold) is used sparingly – yes, they are using better font and sizes to the main headings also
22. Ads & pop-ups are unobtrusive – not well
23. Main copy is concise & explanatory – have a good concise
24. URLs are meaningful & user-friendly – URL are same with the company name so it is meaningful & user-friendly
25. HTML page titles are explanatory – Yes it is explanatory

Finally I tell this website is no very good and it can't attract to customers more....

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