Friday, May 2, 2014

Hello Digital World

This is my first experience write the blog and this is my first attempt in to a blog. This blog say about the digital marketing and its relented thing. We now about the traditional marketing communication mix very well and we learn it better. The traditional marketing have in TV, radio, print Medias, and other Medias. But now world is connecting. World be a globalization very fast. We can’t depend on traditional Marketing. These traditional marketing not be efferent. Now we hard digital marketing. We now face book and other social medias, you tube and other internet services. What is Digital Marketing? What are includes in digital marketing and how work with these? 

Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is marketing that makes use of electronic devices such as computers, tablets, smartphones, cellphones, digital billboards, and game consoles to engage with consumers and other business partners. Internet Marketing is a major component of digital marketing. What are the digital media? SEO, PPC SEM, Social Medias, Display ads, Email Web sites etc. Yesterday marketing to be a handful of media and techniques with share in TV, out of home and print. Everything tied closely together and went in one direction a push to the customer. Today marketing the customers has moved from the end to the middle, become he or she is in control. The media and techniques are now abundant, interactive and much more drive by the customer.

Traditional Marketing vs. Digital Marketing
Present and future world is digitalization and increase the internet users in the world and in Sri Lanka.  Now in Sri Lanka TV and Radio ads not effective more than earlier as Sri Lankan people have been fair with traditional marketing. 45% presentation Internet usage have Sri Lanka in after 2 years. So digital Marketing demand and effectiveness is increase rapidly.  Internet usages access via mobiles devices more than Desktops devices. If percentages are, mobiles usages are more than 55% and desktop usages are less than 45%.

Talk about the time spend on TV and internet. Most of the telecommunication companies in Sri Lanka have allocated their resources more on Data Market for introducing new data packages than introducing new talk time packages from their budget in their year. The time spent on internet 05 hours or more is 61%. The time spent 03 hours to 04 hours is 25% and 01 hour to 02 hours is 11%. Finally, the time spent on internet less than 01 hour is only 03%. On the other hand, when time spent on internet increasing, the time watching TV become less. Fallowing finger summaries these time spend. So now business and marketers are understand this trend and plan the digital marketing strategies in this situation.

What are Advantages of Digital Marketing? 
·         Potential to reach mass market.
·         Communicates directly to your niche/target market when executed properly.
·         Costumers’ reaction get quickly and directly. 
·         Provides additional branding and promotion for your company or product.
·         Less or no expensive than traditional marketing campaigns.
·         Easy to measure the success of your campaign.
·         Not a geographic boundary in digital marketing.
·         Viral Marketing

Finally I would say we are now here globalization village but near future it will be globalization family.

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