Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Blue Ocean: Company creates new market

The competition in the world companies make their own and different ways in order for success to them. But this competitions are damaged companies. Some companies can’t survey in this market and not profitable. It is called Red Ocean. In a Red Ocean market, everyone is just talking a different version of the same thing to the same group of people. In that case people search new market, which is less completion. It is called blue ocean strategy.
This blog article talk about, what is Blue Ocean and red ocean strategy.  In this article you will learn the value Innovation of blue ocean strategy example of a blue ocean, the four actions framework, sales and profit growth

Blue Ocean – you are the only fisherman in an ocean full of fish.

The idea which is brought by blue ocean strategy became known because of the blue ocean book made by Kim and Mauborgne. The blue ocean strategy book is entitled as how to Generate Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant. A Blue Ocean offers new opportunity for profitable and rapid growth to an entirely new market. This is look to create new demand in uncontested market space. As operating in uncontested market no or lack of completion, can leads to faster growth and higher profits. Blue ocean strategy is the key behind some of the most successful companies including apple, Microsoft in world and Rio ice cream, siddhalepa in Sri Lanka

Red Ocean versus Blue Ocean Strategy

Red Ocean
Blue Ocean
Compete in existing market space
Create uncontested market space
Beat the competition
Make competition irrelevant
Exploit existing demand
Create and capture new demand
Make the value-cost trade-off
Break the value-cost trade-off
Pursue either low cost or differentiation
Pursue low cost and differentiation

Value Innovation of Blue Ocean Strategy

Value innovation, the cornerstone of blue ocean strategy, is the simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost, creating a leap in value for both buyers and the company. Because Cost savings are made by eliminating and reducing the factors an industry competes on. Buyer value is lifted by raising and creating elements the industry has never offered.

The Four Actions Framework

The Four Actions Framework is used to reconstruct buyer value elements in crafting a new value curve. To break the trade-off between differentiation and low cost and to create a new value curve. When you look at the competitive factors, there are really only four actions you can take with them. You can eliminate them completely, you can reduce your investment in them, you can raise your investment in them or you can create totally new factors. These four actions then are the basis for creating a new strategy canvas. Here is a picture of the concept.

Blue Ocean is effective as it’s the ability to force companies to have a difference of operation ways. Blue ocean strategy also pushes the companies to build new industry boundaries. It also encourages them to listen to their customer’s needs. It also pushes the companies to spot unappealing markets and to receive niche in order for them to make use of it. Blue ocean strategy mostly invite new groups of customers. The blue ocean companies can accomplish things through pursuing differentiation and low cost simultaneously. Thus, economic barriers are being formed. In effect, interest in their products and as well as their services are being created. They may even no longer must fight with their competitors.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What is website usability and its important

There are many things to consider when you are building a new website or maintain web site. Many people log internet and find their solution. You should build and maintain attractive and user-friendly website, because is people like to easy to access and easy to use your website. Some website is not easy find out search or other way, not clear identity company name ad information, navigation bar not clear and not efficacy dividend, website link not reasonable and headings not clear. These problems create negative think in people mind for the company and people not come aging to website. 


How these problems identified?

You have many objectives achieve through website. But if your site have problems, it is no effective. If you check the website before upload, check web site after upload and get feedback from customers about the work website, can identify these problem in your website. if in your website can work efficiency, it is very usability website.


What is Usability?

Usability is how easy an object is to use. The object can be almost anything, including a machine, tool, process, book, software application or website. In the case of websites and software applications, usability has been defined as the ease at which an average person can use the software or website to achieve specific goals. - usability website


Why is Website Usability Important?

The main reason that usability is so important is because there are so many similar websites that people will go to the next site if the first one they visit is not usable. You can have the most beautiful website in the world, but people will leave immediately if they are unable to figure out how to navigate your site quickly. Why website usability is important for a company, a user of a company’s web site will formulate a judgment about that company that is strongly correlated with the way they perceive its web site. Improving usability is a great way to encourage users to visit your site instead of the sites that belong to your competitors and is often an approach that keeps customers coming back to your site again and again. Indeed, high-quality websites that are easy to use bring in customers and give a particular site a competitive edge over the competition.


What is Usability Testing?

Usability Testing is a technique used to evaluate a website by testing is on users. Most people who set up a usability test carefully construct a scenario wherein a person performs a list of tasks that someone who is using the website for the first time is likely to perform. This is how it generally works. The participant gives feedback on the process, telling what he or she likes and dislikes about the site and what frustrations he or she has while using the site. This information is used to revise the site in development or redesign


25-point Website Usability Checklist

There have four main website usability checklists. Those are Accessibility, Identity, Navigation, and Content and Section.
Next I talk about blue ocean strategy- you are the only fisherman in an ocean full of fish

Monday, May 19, 2014

Display ads and its effective

As a marketers we know about advertising. But today I like to talk about Display Advertising. Because of the rapid growth of digital devices people involvement to computers, smartphones is growing up. So normal traditional advertising campaigns are not enough. Because of that Digital advertising become a popular advertising method.

What is this display advertisement?
Display advertising usually refer to the banners, text ads and images that appear on the web sites. It is a graphical advertising on the internet that appears next to content on web pages. These ads can comes with various sizes, including pictures, logos, audio, video, animation or combination of those. Web banners we can see as a most common display advertising way.

Display Ad Formats

Attract new customers with eye-catching ads. Great ad campaigns start with great ads. And with you can advertise in a variety of formats and sizes with text ads, static and animated image ads, rich media and video ads.
  • Text Ads
These ads include only text. Include headline and some attractive few words. Go to more information and ads, after these ads click.
  • Image Ads
These ads include relevant attractive images, and background colors. After theses display ads click, view full advertisement of advertisement.
  • Rich Media Ads
Rich media ads are essentially image ads that have interactive elements, animations, or other aspects that can change depending on who is looking at the ad and how they interact with the ad.
  • Video Ads
Create an ad and embed a video that plays directly within it.

The Advantages of Display Advertising

  • Cost-Effectiveness
There are opportunities to buy online media at a cheaper rate compared to traditional media.
  • Targeted display
These could be around aspects such as a specific demographic you want to target, or behavioral aspects based on their recent online activity.
  • Customers like Visuals and attractive ads 
Display ads can create more attractive visuals images and videos. After got this attraction, fans or customers click display ads and go into ads and read it.
  • More effective campaigns
You can use display ads only target audiences. If your target audiences are foreigners, you can show display ads only longing in foreign county.  
  • The Ability to Find Your Target Audience
  • 24 hours advertising
  • Easy to measure display ads.

Effective of display ads

In Sri Lankan display ads show top side on website. These top side we can see more ads and those ads not effective because people not care those ads and they drag web page down. Gossip Lanka news, Hiru gossip, lankadeepa and daily mirror are example for the ineffective online display advertising. But western countries display advertising in online more effective. Because they advertising placed correctly and it’s not show bad impact to people. Daily mail, the times and mirror are best example for effective display advertising on website.

Ineffective display ads 

effective display ads 

How to create effective display ads

  • Use text, images, and color schemes effectively
  • Write simply word on display ads
  • Text and other images attract people mind
  • Your display ad placement rightly (right website and right potion)
  • link the information to display ads
Now in Sri Lanka rapidly increasing refer social media and news site. So business have opportunity to advertising  display ads on those websites. 

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Website is a set of interconnected webpages, usually including a homepage, generally located on the same server, and prepared and maintained as a collection of information by a person, group, or organization.
You think everybody know how importance for website any organization. Now most of organization have website because website is most powerful marketing tool and it gives organization information for others. Not only profit organizations but also nonprofits organizations developed and maintained their own website. The main reason that it is important for businesses to have a website is how people are likely to find you. It is easy to identify and evaluate your organization. Website helps to you establish credibility as a business. Most of the people assume and trust website more than social media page and print media notice. A website will not only give you credibility but it will also help to give the impression that your company is bigger and more successful than it may actually be.

The benefits of having a Website for Business

  • Gain a larger client base
Today, more and more consumers use the internet to search for the products or services they need. So if you have better website you can attract largest client in your business.
  • Educate consumers about your business
It is much easier and quicker to update information about your products and services on your website than in print material and customers can easily understand about you and organization.
  • Cost effective promotion and marketing
Television and magazine ads are great ways to publicize, but are often too expensive and do not always provide enough information. But website can give more information about company, service, and product items and many others
  • 24*7 hour access
The internet is always active, all so website active 24 hours in world wild, so consumers around the world can look up information and conduct business at their convenience.
  • Improve communication with customers
Website is not only advertising tool. It is communicate tool. Give more information to customers and get more information from customers.
  • No geographies barriers
Website in not border for local or other geographic area. It cover all of world. So website Owen business not border any area.
  • Provide convenient support for your customers
  • Improve business to customer relationships
  • A website saves you time

Popular web page in Sri Lanka & world

Sri Lanka

Web components

When designing the web site, we mainly fallow five web component. There are,
  1. Web clients and servers
Web client such as Microsoft internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox etc. those are provide easy methods to access and view information. Web server can be the computer or the computer application. Server helps to deliver web content. Apache HTTP Server, Microsoft Internet Information Services and Sun Java System Web Server etc.

    2.  Internet service providers (Dialog, Lanka Bell, SLT, Dialog, Etisalat, Hutch and Airtel)
    3.  Web site hosting services
    4.  Domain Name, URL, IP address
    5.  Registers 

Today website become most effective communication tool in world. Creative web site create and increase sales in company.  So I hope any bossiness can increase sale or go to any other objectives though website.  


Monday, May 12, 2014

Search Engine Marketing

We all now naturally turn to a search engine such as Google, yahoo, Ask, MSN and others. Promoting search engines to meet its objectives by delivering relevant content in the search listings for searchers and encouraging them to click through to a destination site. The two key techniques of SEM are search engine optimization (SEO) to improve results from the natural listing, and Paid Search Marketing (PPC) to deliver results from the sponsored listings within the search engines. 

SEO involves archiving the highest position or ranking practical in natural or organic listings as the main body of the search engine results pages cross a range of specific combination of keywords entered by search engine users. As well as listing pages which the search engine determines as relevant for the search performance base on the text it contains and other factors, such as linked with page, the search engine results pages also contain other tools which search may find useful.

Paid search marketing or pay per click is similar to convention advertising here. A relevant text ad with a link to a company page display on the search engine results pages when the user of a search engine types in a specific phrase. A fee is charged for every click of each link, with the amount bid for the click mainly determining its position. Additionally, PPC may involve advertising through a content network of third party sites. This is also referred to as CPC (cost-per-click) or PPC (pay-per-click) marketing, because most ads on search engines are sold on a CPC / PPC basis.

Search is solution from some problem. If some person want to find some think he search in search engine. So search is need of people and Google and yahoo are wants of people. Today number of searchers increase rapidly. Three billion searcher use Google for find their solution in 2012. Any person want to find some think he type key word on search engine. So organization think search engine is a most important marketing tool. Business must do search engine optimization of their own web site, social media and other digital marketing tools, because now more competitors use digital marketing.

Search is an inbound marketing channel. Inbound Marketing is marketing focused on getting found by customers. Outbound marketing is the marketing strategy where businesses try to find customers through building their brand awareness, buying into advertising and promotion, and interrupting the consumer. Today outbound marketing is out and inbound marketing is in to the business. Because highly successfully in generating more income in business.

Key success factors in SEO
  1. Website crawlability
  2. Keyword research
  3. Site structure & KWD mapping
  4. Content building and formatting
  5. Page titles & Meta data
  6. Use of images and videos
  7. Internal linking structure / Navigation
  8. URLs
  9. Link popularity (Authority building)
  10. Website maintenance

Benefits of SEM
  1. Cost effective marketing tool
  2. SEO to get ahead of the competition.
  3. Search engine is one way find some need, so use SEO can caught customers.
  4. Drive targeted traffic to your site 24/7
  5. When your websites, social media pages, Blogs and other online promotional tools have high visibility on search engines.

Search engine marketing can definitely benefit your business. By leveraging on this, your business will get more leads and able to scale to a greater height.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Hello Digital World

This is my first experience write the blog and this is my first attempt in to a blog. This blog say about the digital marketing and its relented thing. We now about the traditional marketing communication mix very well and we learn it better. The traditional marketing have in TV, radio, print Medias, and other Medias. But now world is connecting. World be a globalization very fast. We can’t depend on traditional Marketing. These traditional marketing not be efferent. Now we hard digital marketing. We now face book and other social medias, you tube and other internet services. What is Digital Marketing? What are includes in digital marketing and how work with these? 

Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is marketing that makes use of electronic devices such as computers, tablets, smartphones, cellphones, digital billboards, and game consoles to engage with consumers and other business partners. Internet Marketing is a major component of digital marketing. What are the digital media? SEO, PPC SEM, Social Medias, Display ads, Email Web sites etc. Yesterday marketing to be a handful of media and techniques with share in TV, out of home and print. Everything tied closely together and went in one direction a push to the customer. Today marketing the customers has moved from the end to the middle, become he or she is in control. The media and techniques are now abundant, interactive and much more drive by the customer.

Traditional Marketing vs. Digital Marketing
Present and future world is digitalization and increase the internet users in the world and in Sri Lanka.  Now in Sri Lanka TV and Radio ads not effective more than earlier as Sri Lankan people have been fair with traditional marketing. 45% presentation Internet usage have Sri Lanka in after 2 years. So digital Marketing demand and effectiveness is increase rapidly.  Internet usages access via mobiles devices more than Desktops devices. If percentages are, mobiles usages are more than 55% and desktop usages are less than 45%.

Talk about the time spend on TV and internet. Most of the telecommunication companies in Sri Lanka have allocated their resources more on Data Market for introducing new data packages than introducing new talk time packages from their budget in their year. The time spent on internet 05 hours or more is 61%. The time spent 03 hours to 04 hours is 25% and 01 hour to 02 hours is 11%. Finally, the time spent on internet less than 01 hour is only 03%. On the other hand, when time spent on internet increasing, the time watching TV become less. Fallowing finger summaries these time spend. So now business and marketers are understand this trend and plan the digital marketing strategies in this situation.

What are Advantages of Digital Marketing? 
·         Potential to reach mass market.
·         Communicates directly to your niche/target market when executed properly.
·         Costumers’ reaction get quickly and directly. 
·         Provides additional branding and promotion for your company or product.
·         Less or no expensive than traditional marketing campaigns.
·         Easy to measure the success of your campaign.
·         Not a geographic boundary in digital marketing.
·         Viral Marketing

Finally I would say we are now here globalization village but near future it will be globalization family.